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You can count on me!

I told my partner those exact same words when he picked me as a partner.

As class got near to an end, I was almost done finishing a poster on Illustrator. Class ended and I told him that I didn't finish in time. It was due tommarrow once class started. I told him that I'll finish it once I get home and not to worry. He' playfully' punched me ( he said he playfully punched me but no, that punch hurt like lemonjuice getting into a papercut ) and told me that'll he do it. I was relieved, no more work! I just have to email him the file. Right before class ended, I emailed him the file.

Or so I thought....

The next morning I saw him pissed off at something. I asked him whats wrong, he turned around and pointed at the email containing a man dressed in a chicken costume. I laughed so hard up to the point where I was getting teary.

The I realized.

Oh no, I sent him the wrong file.

The file that I download was right next to an image I was about to send to a friend. I must've miss clicked and accidently send him that horrifiying image.

What I've learned from this is that if you tell the teachers the situation you are in they will probably give you another day or two. You shouldn't be afraid to tell the teachers that you need another day. Personally if I was a teacher I would perfer high-quality work rather imcomplete.

The learning process of mistake.learn.grow. Is that we all make mistakes and we all learn from it. Once we learn from it we will be able to grow and be more successful and hopefully not make that mistake again.

We got a B- on that project, but It was mainly my fault. This was back in middle school.

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